
Irene Adler in Disguise <English>

I have been crazy over a book lately. It is not a book actually, it is an e-book. If you are an iPhone or i"stuff" user you can easily get it in the iBook store and it is free.

So I've read only first chapter and is on my way finishing the second chapter.

The first chapter is titled "A Scandal in Bohemia" and it was, as expected, brilliant.

I've loved Sherlock Holmes novels since I was about 9. And I did read them in English, but I've spared some time, 2 years maybe, not reading Sherlock Holmes. I used to have them under the name of Penguin Reader publisher, If I'm not mistaken, and it was pretty expensive back then for an English book, but it kept awake for more and I improved my English a lot so it was okay, my father was still paying me though. 

Now that I'm a college student and I assume, every college student likes free stuff.
Everybody likes free stuff actually, Kinan. 
So, when I know it is free in the store I'm quite excited hehe. 

I downloaded the novel quite long time ago but no time to start reading it. 
But I do now.

<spoiler alert> 
First Chapter is "A Scandal in Bohemia". 

It was about a king that sent himself off to meet Sherlock and asked him to find a scandalous picture of him with a woman, Irene Adler. If the picture is not in the right hands, moreover in the Irene's hands, the   King seemed to worry that it would cost him his reputation. The King himself had had several attempts to search for the picture but it was no use. Later then discovered that Irene was a lady with beauty any man would fall for and intelligence so high not many people is within her range. 
This lady, I tell you, you should meet her, in person. Not literally in person, it is a fictional character of course, but you should really read the book and find out yourself what a lady she is. 
Even Sherlock Holmes "admires" her for intelligence. 
In the end of the chapter, Irene Adler won the fight although it was not bad for Sherlock and The King too. 
But still, a lady, a freaking lady, guys! Was a step ahead from a freaking Sherlock. That's awesome and clever indeed. 
Really, read the book. 
And when you know who is Irene Adler, I am on my way being Irene Adler in disguise. Not a precise beauty but in the form of an Indonesian petite girl. ;) 

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